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"Let Us Rise Up And Build." 

Nehemiah 2:18b


 Hi Brothers and Sisters!


Greetings in the Name of Jesus. This is Pastor Maki of ICM(International Christian Ministries)in Tokyo, Japan. I have a special announcement and request to you all.


Actually now, we are trying to purchase the land and building for our sanctuary. We would like to raise the fund quickly for the down-payment. Please, if you have a heart to support our building project and ICM vision, we appreciate your Seed Faith Offerings.



It will never be wasted. Definitely the seed you are going to sow shall grow in the land of Japan. Because we are now trying to be rooted in this land of Japan.

Pastor Maki' Ordination & Installation Service in October, 2019
Pastor Maki' Ordination & Installation Service in October, 2019


Let me share briefly about our building project in this past 3 years.


In 2019, I was ordained as the first Japanese Pastor in ICM history.

I met Jesus in this church, I was saved through ICM. It took 10yrs,

for my church ICM to raise me up and train me to become a

future leader. Then after my seminary graduation, I was ordained

by our founder and seminary chancellor and installed as the local

Pastor in charge of ICM Japan.


This was the first time in 38 years of ICM history for a Japanese blood who is born again in this ministry to become a Pastor. It was a milestone!


As a Japanese Pastor, I strongly recommended ICM to be registered in Japan as a Religious Organization. Because it will show reliability and organizational transparency as a religious group in Japan. It is very necessary to be registered and certified as a church in Japan in order to reach out and evangelize Japanese people in this country with a Christian population of just 1 %.


I have many in this city who are my people. Acts 18:10
I have many in this city who are my people. Acts 18:10


So, we want to apply to the Japanese government to be a licensed religious organization, however, we have to meet all the requirements of the application. The most challenging requirement is that we must have our own land and building with a minimum of 50-member congregation. But if we continue to worship in a rented building, we can never qualify to apply to be a licensed religious organization.


This was a big challenge, which required much faith. Eventually, ICM decided to leave the rental building to start online service in order to save the rent money to purchase our future land and building.





In January 2020, before the Covid-19 Pandemic, ICM left the rental building and started online programs. We continued Sunday Worship Service, Wednesday Prayer Meeting and Friday Bible Study online. Everything became online. It was not comfortable, inconvenient and not exciting, but the faithful ICM members remained and continued with us online just like we were in the rented building.


After 2 years, our building savings reached about half a million yen, then God showed us a building in Zama, Kanagawa. The building has three floors, is close to Zama US Military Base and a walking distance from Odakyu Zama station. It is built along a main prefectural road and must be a landmark in that area. The location and properties even seem perfect for our church building.

God showed us a building in Zama. The location and properties even seem perfect for us.
God showed us a building in Zama. The location and properties even seem perfect for us.


God is so much in this project that, when all the banks rejected our application for a building loan, but God gave us favor with the real estate agent and the building owner who decided to negotiate with his bank on our behalf to give us a loan and he will stand as a guarantor for us. This is a miracle indeed!

So, all we need now, is to come up with the down payment of 10million yen.


Brothers and Sisters and my Seniors, please, would you like to support this opportunity for ICM to possess the land and building finally in the land of Japan? I know you have been praying for us to see these things happen because we all have hearts for salvation of Japan. Now is the time to go and take! Possess the land and building in our promise land!!


We will recognize the donors of our building project on our building wall inside our building when we own it. Your name will be on the wall till the next generation as a historical contributor to ICM vision and ministry work in Japan.


As the Holy Spirit leads you, click “GIVE” and send us your Seed Faith Offerings. It is not a matter of the amount but a matter of the heart. We still believe that when we do our best, God will do the rest. Because He is the owner of this land of Japan and the whole universe.


May the Lord God bless you and reward you in miraculous ways.




Sincerely Yours,



Pastor Maki Enomoto Evuarherhe

Please click "Give" button for online giving.

You may also give through bank transfer on our Japan bank below.

Bank of Mitsui Sumitomo

Mizonokuchi branch(596)




三井住友銀行 溝ノ口支店(596)普通7818759

ICMMS 代表エブアレレ真紀


インターナショナル・クリスチャン・ミニストリー (ICM)〒252-0029 神奈川県座間市入谷西3丁目8-1 Tel.070-3188-4040

International Christian Ministries-ICM 3-8-1 Iriyanishi, Zama city, Kanagawa #252-0029 Tel.070-3188-4040


International Christian Ministries and Mission Society - ICMMS


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